
Friday, July 16, 2010

July 16, 2010

Ok ladies and gents.... I finally did it. I finally took my measurements. I will post them below. I talked to a good friend of mine and I think she is gonna try this too. I hope so, so I can have a weight loss buddy. Its always good to have a buddy to go on your journey. I took pics today with no clothes (bra and panty only). When I get the nerve up I will post them. I have a long long way to go but I know I will get there. So here are my measurements:

July 16, 2010:
Left Arm 14"
Right Arm 15"
Left Thigh 28"
Right Thigh 27"
Stomach 48"
Hips 50"
Chest 45"

Thats alot of inches. So get ready to watch me start getting those pounds and inches off. Yippeeeee......Oh you will be so! No just kidding. Means if and when this works on me, then it can work on you. I have seen many many great results with this and its like a miracle. So keep watching and following my posts.

Take care,

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